It's something every organizations needs.

New donors.

But not just new donors...

New donors galore!

New donors (or customers) are the lifeblood of any growing organization. Without new donors, your organization is currently dying even if you don't know it or feel it. You may even be having a record year, but without new donors you are actually.... mostly dead. Like Westley on Mad Max's table in Princess Bride.

But it's getting harder and hard to find new donors without a massive budget or costly earned media strategy that drives traffic to your site. Direct mail still works, but it's costly and the demographic is older than you want. Let's face it: the Internet is where we "live" every day, all day. It's best to get your "donors galore" online.

Grassroots Action has built our entire model on helping our partners find new names. From our inception, we have utilized an "organic" approach of data mining our own web assets to find new names and new donors for our client partners. We also have learned the "tricks" of donor acquisition through web advertising and are acquiring new donors at or above break even for our client partners.

So, how healthy is your organization? Things may look great in the short run, but without a steady influx of new people your long-term prognosis isn't good. 

You need donors galore!

Steve Elliott


Steve Elliott is the co-founder of Grassfire, a 1.5 million member liberty-based citizen network. Steve likes to talk about politics, tech, faith and family.