One more bonus thing...

Thanks again for connecting with Grassroots Action.

Here's a bonus you can try if you'd like to see how our system integrates seamlessly from contact form to database all through texting...

We've created a "sample petition" to demonstrate this.

Simply text "sign" to 757-702-5157 and your name will be added to this sample petition (yes, our system is totally mobile friendly and integrates with texting). Once you've completed adding your name via text, you should receive this message:

And here's the really cool thing...

Because our system is fully integrated, your name is already added to the database, and the fact that you signed the petition should already be registered on the Sample Petition page.

To confirm, go here and look for "thanks for signing" where a signup button might go.

We've created a few more samples of constituent interactions that are all hard-wired into the database.

We look forward to connecting soon!