facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-07-01 16:16:54 -0400SHOCK: U.S. Government Files Lawsuit Against American Company For Requiring Employees To Speak English http://www.libertynews.com/2014/07/shock-u-s-government-files-lawsuit-against-american-company-for-requiring-employees-to-speak-english/
facebook post
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-07-01 11:06:54 -0400Major Newspaper Apologizes For Endorsing Barack Obama, Says They Miss The Bush Days! http://www.libertynews.com/2014/07/major-newspaper-apologizes-for-endorsing-barack-obama-says-they-miss-the-bush-days/
facebook postI figured I'd help you guys out with some Pro-Police videos until you either delete and block me or you start showing some cops doing the right thing. You guys bash the hell out of us constantly. What would Phil say? Signed, Oathkeeper
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-30 10:57:25 -0400Watch A California Congressman Say, On National TV, That Birth Control Is A Right Protected By The Constitution (VIDEO) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/watch-a-california-congressman-say-on-national-tv-that-birth-control-is-a-right-protected-by-the-constitution-video/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-28 15:33:12 -0400
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-28 10:38:53 -0400Society isn't what it used to be... Have You Seen the Bizarre Anti-Gun ‘Gun Safety’ Ad That Shows Kids Playing With Female Adult Toys As Swords To Make Its Point? (VIDEO) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/have-you-seen-the-bizarre-anti-gun-gun-safety-ad-that-shows-kids-playing-with-female-adult-toys-as-swords-to-make-its-point-video/
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facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-25 00:06:32 -0400
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-24 22:19:44 -0400Camera Captures Man Walking In To McDonalds With Kitchen Knife In His Back! (PHOTO) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/camera-captures-man-walking-in-to-mcdonalds-with-kitchen-knife-in-his-back-photo/
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facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-24 11:56:37 -0400Chilling Video Shows Skydiver Dropping From Sky As Parachute Tangles http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/chilling-video-shows-skydiver-dropping-from-sky-as-parachute-tangles/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-23 23:34:35 -0400PRIORITIES: Fed Funding Massive Project to Research Sheep Farts http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/priorities-fed-funding-massive-project-to-research-sheep-farts/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-23 08:32:40 -0400OBAMA'S IRS SCANDAL - What do the famed journalists who helped bring down Richard Nixon think of the IRS mess? http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/irs-scandal-targeting-coverup-famed-watergate-reporting-duo-calls-for-more-aggressive-investigation/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-23 08:14:10 -0400HILLARY'S HEALTH - If bombshell book is accurate, Mrs. Clinton's medical condition could end her presidential dream. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/hillarys-health-bombshell-book-claims-bad-heart-other-conditions-could-end-her-presidential-dream/
facebook post100 Million Dollar Reward for "Lost" IRS Emails posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2014-06-22 19:24:43 -0400Please help me get the word out: $100 million reward for lost emails: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lost-IRS-emails-100-million-reward/652158914866874?ref=hl
facebook post
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-21 18:35:06 -0400Gun! He's got a gun! Should Uncle Joe be punished like school kids so often are? http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/joe-biden-points-a-gun-around-a-bunch-of-innocent-children-should-he-be-suspended-or-expelled-from-office/
facebook postThe border crisis is now getting serious.
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-20 16:04:43 -0400SECOND AMENDMENT ASSAULT: Squeezing gun stores, Chicago may require that every gun sale by videotaped. Smile! http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/second-amendment-assault-want-to-legally-buy-a-gun-in-gun-crazy-chicago-then-smile-for-the-video-camera/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-20 15:26:29 -0400Harley-Davidson's brave new world - an electric motorcycle. WATCH IT IN ACTION. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/a-favideo-report-harley-davidsons-new-electric-motorcycle-a-fantastic-breakthrough-or-an-insult-to-real-hogs/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-20 10:28:07 -0400Watch what happened when this Massachusetts town replaced the POW-MIA flag with the gay pride flag. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/another-gay-pride-flag-flap-as-pow-mia-banner-is-replaced-vets-angered-in-massachusetts/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-20 09:48:09 -0400Harrison "Han Solo" Ford hurt worse than first reported on set of the new "Star Wars" movie. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/harrison-han-solo-ford-hurt-worse-than-first-reported-on-the-set-of-the-new-star-wars-movie/
facebook post
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-19 16:01:53 -0400GOP’S WAR ON CONSERVATISM: Republican Senator Hires Democrat Operative to Help Get Dem Voters to Vote in GOP Primary http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/gops-war-on-conservatism-republican-senator-hires-democrat-operative-to-help-get-dem-voters-to-vote-in-gop-primary/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-19 15:33:11 -0400Dear America, talking about and supporting your rights can now be viewed as a threat. Say What? Conservative Student Group Invited Pro-2nd Amendment Guest to Speak on Campus, School Forced Group to Hire Extra Security Over Threat Fears (Fear of Pro-Rights People?) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/say-what-conservative-student-group-invited-pro-2nd-amendment-guest-to-speak-on-campus-school-forced-group-to-hire-extra-security-over-threat-fears/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-19 14:39:54 -0400MICHELLE OBAMA IS A "BIRTHER" - really! Here's why: http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/birther-michelle-obama-fundamentally-changes-american-history-w-a-startlingly-stupid-claim-about-the-founders/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-19 13:29:21 -0400Guess what mind-blowing conclusion Nancy Pelosi draws from the IRS "missing" emails scandal. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/guess-what-mind-blowing-conclusion-nancy-pelosi-draws-from-the-irs-missing-emails-scandal/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-19 11:24:57 -0400New name for the Redskins? Hmmm… What say you?
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-06-19 08:20:08 -0400Much higher gas prices? Get ready to dig deeper to fill 'er up. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/06/the-price-you-pay-for-gas-could-shoot-way-up-because-of-this-double-whammy/