facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-09 01:21:29 -0500BREAKING: It's over. Trump is the next President of the United States of America. http://libertynews.com
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2016-11-09 01:02:49 -0500We want to congratulate Donald Trump, his campaign and all the voters who worked so hard to make a stand and give us all a fighting chance moving forward. EPIC. WIN. http://libertynews.com/2016/11/epic/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-09 01:01:50 -0500We want to congratulate Donald Trump, his campaign and all the voters who worked so hard to make a stand and give us all a fighting chance moving forward. EPIC. WIN. http://libertynews.com/2016/11/epic/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 23:42:19 -0500Hillary Clinton might want to start preparing to read about how TPP didn't pass from her jail cell. Major update at http://libertynews.com
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2016-11-08 23:12:37 -0500Mark the time. 9:05 PM Eastern time was the first time FOXNews openly stated that Trump might win
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 22:37:24 -0500BREAKING: WE'RE CALLING BOTH FLORIDA AND NORTH CAROLINA FOR TRUMP! This puts Trump at 212, Clinton at 131. Major update here. Live results at http://libertynews.com/
facebook postI see that Trump has 77 electoral votes to Hillery's 68. Does someone there not know how to add?
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 20:08:06 -0500Right now both Clinton and Trump are outperforming 2012 Obama/Romney. Live results are coming in hot! http://libertynews.com/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 19:08:19 -0500LIVE RESULTS COMING IN! http://libertynews.com/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 18:51:32 -0500BREAKING: Multiple Victims Shot Near Polling Station in Azusa, CA… Authorities Order Residents to ‘Shelter in Place’ Please note we are continuing to update this story as new details surface. http://libertynews.com/2016/11/breaking-multiple-victims-shot-near-polling-station-in-azusa-ca-authorities-order-residents-to-shelter-in-place/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 16:26:54 -0500Purely Coincidental or the Path to a Stolen Election? Voters Report ‘Irregularities’ with Voting Machines Across the US http://libertynews.com/2016/11/purely-coincidental-or-the-path-to-a-stolen-election-voters-report-irregularities-with-voting-machines-across-the-us/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 15:06:04 -0500BREAKING: Mega Turnout Reported Across Michigan http://libertynews.com/2016/11/breaking-mega-turnout-reported-across-michigan/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 14:36:56 -0500#ElectionDay open thread. What has your experience at the polls been? Any issues? Long lines? Tell us in the comments!
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 14:17:48 -0500ALL RESULTS IN REAL TIME HERE http://libertynews.com/
facebook postI have to question these voting booths. Maybe someone will know the answer. My husband and I went together to vote. We voted on paper ballots and afterwards had to slide our vote into a machine. I went first. I slide my card into the machine and it said..Thank you for voting. Afterwards a lady came behind me and inserted her ballot. The machine asked her..Would you like to cast your vote? She had to chose Cast in order for her vote to go through. My husband went next. He inserted his ballot and it said Thank you for voting. So my question is, why do some have the option to CAST and some it simply says thank you?
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 11:10:45 -0500ELECTION DAY QUESTION: Do You Want To Glow In The Dark? http://libertynews.com/2016/11/election-day-question-do-you-want-to-glow-in-the-dark/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 10:36:49 -0500
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 10:08:37 -0500Ohio Man Seeking to Join ISIS Arrested John Glenn Columbus International Airport http://libertynews.com/2016/11/ohio-man-seeking-to-join-isis-arrested-john-glenn-columbus-international-airport/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2016-11-08 09:11:37 -0500
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-08 08:27:55 -0500Eric Odom, Jenna Leigh Richardson and Paris Procopis will be broadcasting through Facebook Live right here on this page at 11:00 am central time today. Our team will host an hour long analysis of the race from one of our new studios here in Kenosha, WI and we hope you'll tune in! And GO VOTE if you haven't already done so!
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 21:01:55 -0500
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facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 16:05:18 -0500BREAKING: Hillary's State Department Spent $9.2 Million Hiring the Terrorists Who Attacked Americans in Benghazi http://libertynews.com/2016/11/breaking-hillarys-state-department-spent-9-2-million-hiring-the-terrorists-who-attacked-americans-in-benghazi/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 14:41:22 -0500That Didn't Go as Planned: Bernie Supporter Asked to Speak at Clinton Rally Says 'There's No Point' in Voting for Her (VIDEO) http://libertynews.com/2016/11/that-didnt-go-as-planned-bernie-supporter-asked-to-speak-at-clinton-rally-says-theres-no-point-in-voting-for-her-video/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 13:41:11 -0500Infamous NV Rancher Cliven Bundy Sues Congressional Candidate Over 'Attack Ad' Blaming Him for Murders of 2 Vegas Cops http://libertynews.com/2016/11/infamous-nv-rancher-cliven-bundy-sues-congressional-candidate-over-attack-ad-blaming-him-for-murders-of-2-vegas-cops/
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facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 09:25:24 -0500Oh My... WikiLeaks Email Between Stratfor Intel Advisors Suggests Clinton's Had Vince Foster Killed http://libertynews.com/2016/11/oh-my-wikileaks-email-between-stratfor-intel-advisors-suggest-clintons-had-vince-foster-killed/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 08:41:33 -0500Let's Not Kid Ourselves... What Hillary Clinton Did Is a Federal Crime http://libertynews.com/2016/11/lets-not-kid-ourselves-what-hillary-clinton-did-is-a-federal-crime/
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2016-11-07 06:30:18 -0500