tweet@SenateMajLdr McConnell has failed and betrayed us. It's time to #DitchMitch: Go here for more info.: https://t.co/UZjocF93Pk via @Grassfire
tweet@SenateMajLdr McConnell has failed and betrayed us. It's time to #DitchMitch: Go here for more info.: https://t.co/1E1NCdSlbA via @Grassfire
tweet@SenateMajLdr McConnell has failed and betrayed us. It's time to #DitchMitch: Go here for more info.: https://t.co/V3S7KByi0C via @Grassfire
facebook postGuard, protect and cherish your land, for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven - Charles M Russell
facebook postJESUS IS LORD, and believe in your heart that GOD raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved, and thy house.(cf. THE HOLY BIBLE: ROMANS 10:9 and ACTS 16:31b) Have you received THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL’S MOST BELOVED and ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, to be your personal Lord and Savior? If not, say this prayer: “LORD GOD, please forgive me of my sins. Thank YOU for YOUR Faithfulness in always being with me and loving me so much to send me YOUR MOST BELOVED and ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, to die on the cross for me. I receive HIM now into my heart and life to be my Lord and Savior. I pray this in the name of GOD, THE FATHER; GOD, THE SON; and GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT. † Amen.” “So let everyone in Israel know for certain that GOD has made this JESUS, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!” ACTS 2:36 "For I tell you, you will not see ME again until you say, ‘Blessed is HE who comes in the name of THE LORD.’ " MATTHEW 23:39 Visit and share with family, friends, fans, and followers: http://www.BIBLEstudycd.com/Lessons.html May you be blessed abundantly! Hallelujah! THE GOSPEL: http://www.ebible.com/kjv/Matthew http://www.ebible.com/kjv/Mark http://www.ebible.com/kjv/Luke http://www.ebible.com/kjv/John
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/zfnrJIbv6B via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/TwgL1FlJeu via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/FjpZa71IFt via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/G7ggeZnkJK via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/zsn8qU9de4 via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/395jp9joNp via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/ZcevYdNfzq via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/Tkdur5PjTt via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/SQLHaOc6J3 via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/FTPSztsRWd via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/PK5kOQdCg3 via @Grassfire
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/wCLDC9c9Y3 via @Grassfire put an end to the lottery
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/Uz2IBCV6wY via @Grassfire
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2017-11-07 09:00:00 -0500
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/vlhqRsLG0X via @Grassfire
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2017-11-06 19:00:00 -0500Has GOP lost its collective mind? https://www.facebook.com/grassfire/posts/10155876392913343
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2017-11-06 18:00:00 -0500Vin Scully says what many of us are feeling...
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/Z4DKl9i52k via @Grassfire
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2017-11-06 16:00:01 -0500SHOCK! GOP tax plan eliminates the adoption tax credit. Where do you stand? Should any tax reform keep the adoption credit? Vote and share!
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2017-11-06 15:32:00 -0500
tweet#EndVisaLottery and support Merit-Based Immigration! Go here for more: https://t.co/lwDulcZmz4 via @Grassfire @realDonaldTrump @Ms_Erika74
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2017-11-06 12:45:00 -0500
facebook post broadcastGrassfire Nation posted on Grassfire Nation's Facebook page 2017-11-06 12:17:19 -0500James Robison issues a stirring call for all who stand for faith and freedom... https://www.facebook.com/revjamesrobison/videos/vb.121411323023/10155920371023024/?type=2&theater