facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-10 17:22:41 -0500Black Woman’s FIERY YouTube Rant: Mike Brown “Began The F*cking Trail To His Own Death” (VIDEO) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/black-womans-fiery-youtube-rant-mike-brown-began-the-fcking-trail-to-his-own-death-video/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-10 14:51:19 -0500Racists Force College President to Apologize for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ - See more at: http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/racists-force-college-president-to-apologize-for-saying-all-lives-matter/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-09 23:10:56 -0500ISIS Slavery Q&A Pamphlet Cites The Quran, Islamic Scholars To Justify Rape Of Child Slaves (Video) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/isis-slavery-qa-pamphlet-cites-the-quran-and-islamic-scholars-to-justify-rape-of-child-slaves
facebook postlets ALL Help to Weed out the GARBAGE by Actually SIGNING this petition and Not just liking it...and finally get people like REID/PELOSKI/FIENSTEIN out of OFFICE...SIGN this and then pass it along to YOUR friends & family to sign as well...I DID My part..SIGNED it..Click on LINK or PICTURE and SIGN SEMPER_FI 2 GOD 4 EVER
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-09 13:29:55 -0500The mainstream media isn't reporting it, but Republicans got hoodwinked by GOP leadership into supporting Obama's Executive Amnesty. Read the full story.
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-09 09:46:40 -0500“I Want To Kill The Jew!” Black Terrorist Who Stabbed Jewish Student Taken Down By Police (RAW VIDEO) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/i-will-kill-the-jew-i-want-to-kill-the-jew-black-man-who-stabbed-jewish-student-taken-down-by-police-raw-video/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-08 16:28:06 -0500New York School Board to Teach Kids to Support Slavery Reparations http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/new-york-school-board-to-teach-kids-to-support-slavery-reparations/
facebook postI have seen it all now! Please someone tell me this is a joke!!! No sadly it's not.....
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-08 12:04:59 -0500There Are More Foreigners Working Illegally Than Non-College Grads Seeking Jobs http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/there-are-more-foreigners-working-illegally-than-non-college-grads-seeking-jobs/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-08 10:03:57 -0500With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats? Congressman: The GOP Leadership Is Pushing Obama’s Amnesty http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/congressman-the-gop-leadership-is-pushing-obamas-amnesty/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-08 09:25:34 -0500Relations between blacks and whites in America today are worse than they have been in decades under the Obama regime, a new poll says. http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/race-relations-worse-than-ever-under-obama
facebook postPlease share!!
facebook postWhy isn't this post available any longer? Hmmmmm???
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-07 10:52:47 -0500SUPERVISING OFFICER on the Scene in Eric Garner Death Was BLACK!!!! – NOW Where is the Media? http://patriotaction.net/profiles/blogs/supervising-officer-on-the-scene-in-eric-garner-death-was-black-n
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-06 22:40:43 -0500For those just now tuning in... yes... Obama was admitted to the hospital today. http://realamericanews.com/2014/12/breaking-president-barack-obama-hospitalized/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-06 20:57:10 -0500BREAKING: President Barack Obama Hospitalized! http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/breaking-president-barack-obama-hospitalized/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-06 18:26:02 -0500BE VERY AFRAID! - Supreme Court Green Lights Detention of Americans http://patriotaction.net/profiles/blogs/be-very-afraid-supreme-court-green-lights-detention-of-americans
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-06 13:11:31 -0500Interesting results! Patriot Action Network 2016 GOP Primary Poll Results Are In (Nearly 5,000 Votes Cast) http://patriotaction.net/profiles/blogs/patriot-action-network-2016-gop-primary-poll-results-are-in-nearl
facebook postPlease like this page. Politikal Brand Clothing. https://www.facebook.com/Politikalbrandclothing
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-05 15:25:43 -0500Philly: Ferguson Hoodlums Crash Tree Lighting Ceremony, Drown Out Children’s Christmas Choir With Chants & Blaring Sirens http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/philly-ferguson-hooligans-crash-christmas-tree-lighting-ceremony-drown-out-childrens-christmas-choir-with-chants-blaring-sirens/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-05 13:27:13 -0500When Officer Was Hit By Car Denver Students Participating In #Ferguson #FTP Walkout Chant “Hit Him Again” http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/when-officer-was-hit-and-dragged-by-car-denver-high-school-students-participating-in-ferguson-thug-solidarity-ftp-walkout-chant-hit-him-again/
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-04 10:12:31 -0500VIDEO: Black Cop Who Grew Up in Segregated South BURNS White Ferguson Protesters http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/video-black-cop-who-grew-up-in-segregated-south-burns-white-ferguson-protesters/
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facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-03 20:25:42 -0500BREAKING: Livestream Shows Chaos in New York City as Result of No Indictment for Officer in Eric Garner Case (LIVE STREAM) http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/breaking-livestream-shows-chaos-in-new-york-city-as-result-of-no-indictment-for-officer-in-eric-garner-case-live-stream/
facebook posthttp://www.conventionofstates.com/mark_levin_to_speak_at_american_legislative_exchange_council PURCELLVILLE, Va., Dec. 2, 2014 -- Mark Levin will address why Article V is the way to reclaim self-governance in America at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting in Washington, D.C. on December 4, 2014. Sponsored by the Convention of States (COS) Project, Levin -- a Constitutional expert and nationally syndicated talk show host -- will speak at a special breakfast keynote plenary session. "No one understands the necessity and efficacy of Article V more than Mark Levin," said Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance and co-founder of the Convention of States Project. In fact, Levin is an endorser of COS's Jefferson Statement, explaining why the Convention of States project is so necessary at this time, and sits on COS's Legal Board of Reference. "We appreciate Mark's support and his powerful voice in the media, and look forward to hearing what he has to say about how ordinary citizens can reclaim our nation from our overreaching, inept federal government."
facebook postNikki Haley shared a link. 9 minutes ago . Today South Carolina joined 16 other states in a lawsuit against President Obama over his executive order on immigration - "This causes direct harm to the state of South Carolina...look at the signal you're sending to the rest of the world that we are now a country that doesn't follow the law. And when they see we are a country that doesn't follow the law, we can expect more illegal immigrants to come into South Carolina."
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-03 17:20:54 -0500Former NYC Mayor and Everytown Founder Michael Bloomberg Continues Assault on the Second Amendment http://patriotaction.net/profiles/blogs/former-nyc-mayor-and-everytown-founder-michael-bloomberg-continue
facebook post broadcastSteve Elliott posted on Steve Elliott's Facebook page 2014-12-02 14:26:23 -0500BREAKING: Detroit Hit With Major City Power Outage/Failure – Buildings Evacuated! http://www.libertynews.com/2014/12/breaking-detroit-hit-with-major-city-power-outagefailure-buildings-evacuated/